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Our grand opening celebration of the gallery at taste and our new location at 17 Narragansett Avenue was fantastic. We kicked it off with a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Chamber of Commerce (big thanks) and welcomed clients, friends and artists throughout the evening. We had a full house, great food and wine by Grapes & Gourmet, a few speechless guests as they walked through the door and even a few tears by me when I attempted to thank my team for their endless efforts and support. Designers are allowed to be a bit emotional, right?
And…we’re doing it again this Thursday, 8/20 and next Thursday, 8/27 from 5pm – 8pm. So if you missed last Thursday evening, don’t worry. There are two more opportunities to celebrate with us and be inspired!
The official ribbon cutting alongside my dear friend, Debbie Swistak.
We love our storefront windows.
Carol Anderson, Debbie and Mark Swistak, owners of the former Jamestown Designs, along with me in front of our newly restored sign marking the year of 1885 when the now restored 17 Narragansett Avenue was built.
Chamber and Town Officials and team taste gather for the official ribbon cutting.
Big grins all around.
The ever beautiful and talented Evelyn Rhodes with in front of a salon-style collage of her artwork.
Kenny Ronchie, Bob Britton and Keith Ronchie with me as we celebrate their achievement as chief renovators and finishers of our new/old building.
The best crew, ever.
Artist Susan Strauss and her Marin work of art gracing our walls at the gallery at taste.
Last minute art hanging, heels and all.
Food and flowers by our local friends at Grapes and Gourmet and Secret Garden.
Artist Kelly Milukas encouraging our client to touch and feel her encaustic works. (Charlie had a hard time believing it was ok to touch the art!).
Kelly with her encaustic works Water Study V and Water Field.
Charlie and our own Wendi Dicely Scalora zoom in for a closer look.
Hope to see you this Thursday or next at taste,