team taste

Welcome Ainsley Lawson


We’re growing again and pleased to announce our latest addition to team taste – Ainsley Lawson, Interior Designer.  On board just five weeks, Ainsley is already making a significant contribution to our practice, lending a smart and experienced design eye to our work – wrapped in warmth and genuine care for our clients and their homes.

Ainsley brings deep experience in interior design to taste, primarily in the private club market during her tenure as Senior Designer with Studio JBD.  While at JBD, she honed her ability to conceptualize a space and effectively bring it closer to reality, relying on established relationships with suppliers, strong interpersonal skills and a diverse design skill set.

She also brings a broad, international view to the team gained during her work on residential and commercial properties in Liverpool England for MYO Interiors.

“I believe good design is the synergy of function and beauty and has the power to both heal and inspire. I enjoy helping clients develop a personal visual language and learning how their unique experiences influence their own design aesthetic.

And I’m thrilled to be a part of a team that values detail, creativity and the personal touch.”

A fine artist at heart, Ainsley earned her Bachelors of Fine Art from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design.  She brings her passion for drawing and renderings to the interior spaces she designs, adding the personal touch only a traditional hand drawing can bring.

(Fun fact – during quarantine, she was inspired by the adoption of her puppy, Ren, to draw his portrait.  As a result, she now spends her free time creating pet portraits for others, helping people celebrate the joy animal family members bring to their lives.)

In true taste spirit, Ainsley has been welcomed to the team and quickly recognized for her strengths.  (I get the fun job of watching team members learn about her multitude of talents and eagerly ask her to join them on their projects).

Her ability to solve problems with grace and creativity is already an asset to the team, and a pleasure to experience.  Join me in welcoming Ainsley to team taste.

Only the best,